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Product Code
Organic Products Control and Certification
Conserva di More di gelso da raccolta spontanea
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 1 Package
On offer until Mercoledì 01 Gennaio 2025
Out of stock
Minimum order: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (1 Cf)
Best before: 2 years from date on package
Manufactured by
Azienda Agricola Podere Collina del Vento
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.org It's part of a Social Economy's DistrictVia Guicciardini 14, 87075 Trebisacce (CS) - Italia
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Gelsi bianchi, gelsi neri e morus nigra, dolcissimi raccolti e trasformati in giornata. vasetti da 300 gIngredients
Gelsi e succo d'uva concentratoChosen by 1 Buying Groups
Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU)
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Un olio essenziale abbastanza delicato che aiuta in caso di capelli grassi, adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle, grasse e impure, mature, delicate, spente e normali. È espettorante, aiuta a liberare le vie respiratorie, indicato anche nei casi di tosse grassa e raffreddore. Rilassante, può favorire il sonno o supportare quando si manifestano rabbia repressa ed altre emozioni intense, oppure supportare nei casi di bassa autostima, ansie e paure.
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Un olio essenziale abbastanza delicato che aiuta in caso di capelli grassi, adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle, grasse e impure, mature, delicate, spente e normali. È espettorante, aiuta a liberare le vie respiratorie, indicato anche nei casi di tosse grassa e raffreddore. Rilassante, può favorire il sonno o supportare quando si manifestano rabbia repressa ed altre emozioni intense, oppure supportare nei casi di bassa autostima, ansie e paure.
Myrtus communis L. - Da raccolta spontanea in Sardegna
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Can of lt. 25 of 100% Italian cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil "Il Bonanova". GREAT SAVINGS FORMAT.
Can of lt. 5 of 100% Italian cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil "Il Bonanova". COLLECTION 2021/22
Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.

Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.

Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.
Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.

Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.
Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

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