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Product Code
Crema di mandorle e anacardi 200g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
Quantity: 200 grams
Price per Kg: € 49,55
On offer until Mercoledì 01 Gennaio 2025
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,2 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,2 Kg)
Manufactured by
Via Belvedere - Loc. Quasano, 70020 Toritto (BA) - Italia
= 0
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Crema spalmabile di mandorla di Toritto pelata e anacardi.Company certificates
Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute

Chosen by 12 Buying Groups
Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano - Misano Adriatico (RN) - GasBo - Bologna (BO) - GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - Gas per l'USO - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN) - RIGAS - Rimini (RN) - Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - Catòlgas - Cattolica (RN) - Gas Caneva - Caneva (PN) - GaS.Marino - Acquaviva (RSM) - GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU)
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Mandorla di Toritto sgusciata* 77%, Olio di Mandorla* 23% * DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA

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IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
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Disclaimer: The product info could be inaccurate or not updated