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* The image above is generic and may not be representative of the item
€ 1,70
Quantity: 100 grams
Price per Kg: € 17,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,1 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,1 Kg)
Best before: 21 days from date on package
Manufactured by
Via Bruscoli - Albergo 93a - Loc. Bruscoli, 50033 Firenzuola (FI) - Italia
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Product Code
FETTE_OLIOProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
300 gr (3 slices) - vacuum pack which is preserved in refrigerator at T ° to 0 ° - 4 ° for 21 daysCompany certificates
Organic Products Control and Certification
Chosen by 4 Buying Groups
I'Gasse di Prato - Prato (PO) - GAUSILIATRICE - Firenze (FI) - Gastuto - Prato (PO) - GasBo - Bologna (BO)
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The price depends on the slice: price 'than the maximum, the slices are from 2 to 3 Kg each, the price per Kg varies depending on the piece supplied 22:00 and 25.00 € / Kg
Slices of first choice, the cuts can be: FESA, NUT, SHOULDER TRIANGLE and GIRELLO. The slices are ordered in pieces, each "+1" corresponds to one slice, minimum order 2 slices. average weight of a slice about 100 grams.
Slices of second grade, the cuts can be: SORRA and CHIME.
Suitable for cutlet, rolls, scallops, pizzaoila, less suitable to be consumed in the pan smooth, unlike the slice first choice.
The slices are ordered in pieces, each "+1" corresponds to one slice, minimum order 2 slices. average weight of a slice about 90 grams.
Pack of 50g obtained by slow drying of 1, 2 Kg of peeled apples at the time.
mele biologiche
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Ananas - Succo di ananas. *Ingredienti del Commercio Equo e Solidale °Ingredienti da Agricoltura Biologica
Chicken breast cut into slices. Weight 0, 25/0, about 35 Kg. Packaging to skin.
Slices alla Milanese (cutlet), the cuts can be: UNDER FESA and GIRELLO SHOULDER.
The slices are ordered in pieces, each "+1" corresponds to one slice of about 100 grams, minimum order 2 slices.
Prodotti e costi. Ogni sporta costa €57.25 e contiene --------------------------------------------------------------- Biocaseificio Tomasoni (€14.50) - 1 Kg Grana padano 24 mesi sottovuoto 14,50 euro ------------------------------------------------------------ La Terra e il Cielo (€13.35) - 3 confezioni da 500 gr di Strozzapreti 700 grani trafilata al bronzo 2,28 euro - 3 confezioni da 500 gr di Spaghetti di semola 700 grani trafilata al bronzo 2,17 euro ------------------------------------------------------------------- La Buona Terra (€14.40) - 1 barattolo Corbarino intero in salsa 580 gr 4,15 euro - 1 barattolo Piennolo a pacchetelle 580 gr 3,95 euro - 1 bottiglia Passata di pomodoro 660 gr 2,85 euro - 1 barattolo S.Marzano pelato/filetti 580 gr 3,45 euro -------------------------------------------------------------- SOS Rosarno (€15) - 1 bottiglia Olio EVO Bio - Terre di Vasia - 750 ml 10 euro - 1 barattolo Jettu Focu Rosso - Salsa di peperoncino rosso piccante al naturale - 190 gr 5 euro
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Sage and thyme Refreshing and deodorant light Preparation and end making use of the synergic action of mild surfactants derived from coconut and a balanced mix of plant extracts that provide a good refreshing and deodorant; its soft and lightweight foam gently cleanses without altering the delicate physiological balance of the intimate areas, ensuring efficient protection and a pleasant feeling of freshness.
Provenienza: Sicilia
Grani Antichi
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
Confezione di n.4 Lattine di 5 Litri di olio Extravergine d'oliva di categoria superiore. Ottenuto dalla produzione di alberi d'ulivo centenari con metodi di coltivazione eticamente biologici. Sapore dolce dal colore dorato con sfumature verdi e dal sapore molto intenso d'ulivo. Prodotto 100% italiano.
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