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Frico alle erbe aromatiche
€ 4,50
Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Best before: 45 days from date on package
Manufactured by
Via Parini 18 - Loc. Borgnano, 34071 Cormons (GO) - Italia
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Product Code
FRICO_ZOFF_ERBEProduct description
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HACCP Certification

Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Il Ponte - Gorizia (GO)
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Flavored with rosemary and parsley is best added to vegetable salads, rice or cous-cous and many other recipes: shredded or cubed for stew and stews, blended with other ingredients as a base for sauces, savory mousses and creams; flavored with favorite condiments such as vegetable alternative to cheese, and in all those preparations which typically do when the included cheese stuffed pasta and seconds. Weight: 250g Ingredients: soya beans * 57%, 0.2% parsley *, coagulant: nigari (magnesium chloride) * Organically grown ingredients.
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Con sale marino dalle Oasi WWF - Un pizzico di Sicilia in ogni tuo piatto - Meno sale e più sapore per le tue preparazioni In questa ricetta esclusiva le erbe aromatiche biologiche dei Monti Iblei incontrano la rusticità del sale marino delle saline di Trapani e Paceco, gestite da Wwf Italia, arricchita delle note di agrumi, alloro e aglio. Meno sale e più sapore per i tuoi sughi, carni, pesci, formaggi freschi e preparati vegan. Utilizzalo su pizze, focacce, bruschette, insalate e verdure, frittate, zuppe di legumi e cereali.
Sale marino - °Origano (5%) - °Scorza di limone - °Rosmarino (3,5%) - °Timo (2,5%) - °Salvia (2,5%) - °Alloro (1%) - °Aglio.
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