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Product Code
Canasta salad
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 0,40Quantity: 100 grams
Price per Kg: € 4,00
Minimum order: 3 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 3 Pc (0,3 Kg)
Manufactured by
SiAmo Natura - Azienda Agricola
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgVia IV Novembre 69/2, 31047 Ponte di Piave (TV) - Italia
= 1
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Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Insalata CanastaChosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV)
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100% Made in Italy
ICEA - Ethical and Environmental Certtification Institute
DEMETER - Demeter Association Italy
SLOWFOOD - Slow Food Association
EKO detergente pavimenti è formulato con tensioattivi non ionici ricavati da materie prime vegetali. Rimuove facilmente lo sporco e mantiene le superfici pulite a lungo. Pulisce in profondità e igienizza in modo naturale e rispettoso per l’ambiente e la persona. Senza profumo, indicato per le persone allergiche o che soffrono di dermatiti, eczemi e altre problematiche della pelle. * prodotto certificato dall’ente BIOCERTITALIA Formato EKO BAG-IN-BOX potrai facilmente ricaricare il tuo contenitore, così riduci i consumi della plastica dell'80%
COMPOSIZIONE CHIMICA: Tra 5 e 15%: tensioattivi anionici Tra 1 e 5%: tensioattivi non ionici Altri componenti: diclorobenzilico.
10ml - Olio essenziale di Arancio amaro, 100% puro e naturale prodotto tramite spremitura a freddo della buccia del frutto. Anche per uso alimentare
Olio essenziale di Arancio amaro (Citrus aurantuim)

Miele di melata
TEA THAT HELPS DIGESTION BASED PEPPERMINT, ACHILLEA, Melissa, Chamomile, Calendula of homegrown bio
Recucinato and seasoned with soy sauce, it consumes no other additions or as an ingredient replacing the cheese. It can be used in all those recipes for meat burgers. We recommend to always cut in 2 sliced tofu to the plate, for better flavor it in various preparations, then accompany it with cooked or raw vegetables. Weight: 250g Ingredients: soya beans * 58%, water, sunflower oil *, coagulant: nigari (magnesium chloride) * Organically grown ingredients.
Typical sicilian product, prepared according to the traditional recipe with top quality raw materials. Excellent on first courses and appetizers, delicious on toasted bread (Bruschetta). From sicilian tomatoes picked by hand and dried under the sicilian sun, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Non GMO.
Sicilian dried tomatoes 70%, sunflower oil, basil, garlic, salt
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