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Olio evo bottiglia 0,75 lt (2023-2024)
€ 14,00
Quantity: 0.75 Liters
Price per Lt: € 18,67
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,75 Lt)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,75 Lt)
Manufactured by
Via Antinori 28, 61032 Fano (PU) - Italia
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Product Code
OLIO_BOTTIGLIAProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Bottiglia da 0.75 ltChosen by 1 Buying Groups
Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU)
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Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.
Il nostro Olio Extravergine di Oliva viene prodotto da olive di piante secolari raccolte a mano al raggiungimento del giusto grado di maturazione, la molitura viene effettuata entro le 24 ore successive alla raccolta in un frantoio a ciclo continuo a freddo, unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici garantendo un sapore unico e tipicamente mediterraneo, Fresco Fruttato e leggermente Piccante.
Il nostro Olio evo è prodotto nel pieno rispetto della natura senza l’utilizzo di sostanza nocive o trattamenti dannosi per l’uomo e l’ambiente.
Produzione 2023/2024
Il nostro Olio Extravergine di Oliva viene prodotto da olive di piante secolari raccolte a mano al raggiungimento del giusto grado di maturazione, la molitura viene effettuata entro le 24 ore successive alla raccolta in un frantoio a ciclo continuo a freddo, unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici garantendo un sapore unico e tipicamente mediterraneo, Fresco Fruttato e leggermente Piccante.
Il nostro Olio evo è prodotto nel pieno rispetto della natura senza l’utilizzo di sostanza nocive o trattamenti dannosi per l’uomo e l’ambiente.
Produzione 2023/2024
Olio Extravergine d’oliva 100% italiano
Coltivazione con metodi biologici
Confezionato direttamente in frantoio
Produzione a Caltabellotta
Latta da 5 Litri per l’ ottima conservazione dell’olio
La confezione in latta da 5 litri è indicata per chi desidera aver in casa una scorta di olio extravergine d’oliva sempre pronta per le esigenze familiari.
La confezione contiene olio estratto a freddo prodotto con la pregiata varietà Biancolilla (Produzione Propria).
Il confezionamento della latta di olio extravergine d’oliva avviene direttamente in frantoio, per mantenere tutte le proprietà dell’olio nuovo, appena franto.
L’utilizzo di contenitori certificati, garantisce la conservazione del prodotto e la sicurezza nel trasporto.
Il profilo sensoriale risulta complesso e di immediata riconoscibilità anche da parte di consumatori poco esperti. Il colore che può varia dal giallo chiaro al verde inteso; il profumo è elegante e leggero; il sapore delicato con note di erbe appena falciate e sentore di carciofo e pomodoro acerbo.
Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.
Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.

Cold extracted 100% Italian. Produced from olives selected and harvested directly by our company.
It is ideal on the table as it adds flavor to even the lightest foods without overwhelming their taste.
The oil-food combination: The principle of equipotence applies.
Dishes considered to have strong-decisive flavors, are combined with extra virgin olive oils with a high aroma and aromatic taste.
Conversely, delicate dishes require low-flavored oils that tend to be sweet.
Due to the organoleptic characteristics that distinguish it, the extra virgin Bova lends itself to multiple uses.
It is never excessively bitter nor spicy, it is delicate and savory at the same time, it is fine and at the same time rich in fruity notes.
Due to the high condensing power it possesses and the cold pressing, a small amount is poured to give the food the necessary flavor and fragrance imprint.

Il nostro olio extra vergine di oliva bio viene coltivato con metodi antichi la pianta viene trattata con metodi naturali e non invasivi l'olio è mono razza (DOLCE DI ROSSANO) varietà che si trova solo nel nostro comune molito a freddo a meno di 12 ore dalla raccolta raccolta completamente a mano provare per credere.
Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association

Manca del Bosco monocultivar carolea organic extra virgin olive oil is an oil obtained from the milling of organic olives within 12 hours of harvesting, using a cold extraction method. At the sight golden yellow color with delicate green refl ections. On the nose it is characterized by intense notes of freshly mown grass, green tomato and an aftertaste of almonds. The taste is decisive and elegant with harmonious tones of artichoke and notes of dried fruit. The bitter and spicy are very balanced. Excellent on soups, salads, fish and meat.

Olio di oliva di categoria superiore, ottenuto direttamente dalle olive e unicamente mediante procedimenti meccanici. Un olio leggero ma corposo
Le produzioni di questo olio extra vergine d’oliva biologico provengono dall’incontaminato scenario collinare e roccioso del Parco Nazionale del Gargano, in una località dove gli oliveti sono nati spontaneamente. Olio dalle elevate caratteristiche organolettiche, ottenuto da un perfetto equilibrio di olive e sapori.
Le produzioni di questo olio extra vergine d'oliva biologico provengono dall'incontaminato scenario collinare e roccioso del Parco Nazionale del Gargano, in una località dove gli oliveti sono nati spontaneamente.
Olio dalle elevate caratteristiche organolettiche, ottenuto da un perfetto equilibrio di olive e sapori.
Se ne consiglia un utilizzo preferibilmente a crudo.
100% olio extra vergine d'oliva.
Sicilian Peeled Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024
Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those which make it an authentic Sicilian almond "The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Toasted Sicilian Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown. Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet "The sweeter side of Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those which make it an authentic Sicilian almond "The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste. Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes. Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes. To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 1 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown.
Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet
"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"
The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.
Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals
To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
Olio extravergine d'oliva biologico certificato igp sicilia 2 latte da 5 litri ciascuna
Olio extravergine d'oliva biologico certificato igp sicilia
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
IGP - Protected Geographic Indication
Shelled Sicilian Almonds, 10 Kg Harvest 2024 Naturally grown.
Ideal for those who practice sports or follow a healthy diet
"The sweeter side of the Sicilian has the delicate color of the almond. In shell, raw, cooked or toasted, the almond adapts to any preparation, always keeping intact its sensory characteristics, those that make it an authentic Sicilian almond"
The Sicilian almond is distinguished by a sweet, crunchy, genuine and delicious taste.
Easily usable in the kitchen, it releases intense natural aromas that enrich your dishes.
Having a stock of SICILIAN ALMONDS at home will allow you, even at the last minute, to add crunchy and fragrant notes to your recipes.
Produced according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals
To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources
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