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Green olives in brine;
€ 5,50
Quantity: 1 Piece
Minimum order: 1 (1 Pz)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 (1 Pz)
Manufactured by
Azienda agricola LUCIA IANNOTTA
Organic certification, environmental, origin, etc.Via Consolare Capocroce 10, 04010 Sonnino (LT) - Italia
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OLIVE_VERDI_IN_SALAMOIAProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
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Ingredients: green olives Belle of Cerignola, water, sea salt. Provenance green olives: Puglia.
Olive verdi denocciolate "belle di Cerignola", acqua, sale marino biologico.
Ingredients: tomato sauce, green olives, capers, ev olive oil, garlic, sea salt, chili
Passata di pomodoro 90%, olive verdi 5,5%, capperi 2%, olio extra vergine d’oliva, aglio, sale marino, peperoncino rosso.
Homegrown sicilian olives and bell peppers are the perfect combination. Simple and inimitable taste, it is a perfect preserve for appetizers and aperitif. From sicilian black olives and bell peppers picked and selected by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Non GMO.
Homegrown pitted green olives, sliced red sweet bell peppers, sunflower oil, mint, oregano, garlic, parsley, salt, chili pepper, flavored vinegar
Ingredients: green olives, ev olive oil, peeled almonds. Provenance olives: Puglia; Italian almonds.
Olive verdi, olio e.v. d'oliva, mandorle pelate. Provenienza olive: puglia; mandorle Italia.
Ingredients: capers, water, sea salt. Provenance: Puglia.
Capperi, acqua, sale marino.
Tuna (70%) Thunnus albacore, water, sea salt.
Tuna (70%) Thunnus albacore, water, sea salt.
Seasoning ready to paste, just heat. It does not require cooking. After opening, store in frigo.Una biological sauce that enhances the authentic flavors of Sicily, excellent for seasoning a good dish of pasta. The sauce comes from the famous cherry tomatoes, a typical Sicilian excellence that embodies a certain balanced sweetness in his note more sour, accompanied by the scent of basil and extra virgin olive oil spicy flavor. It reveals a sauce suitable for every day, a fresh, genuine, natural and quality
Our crushed olives are an excellent side dish, or fantastic for a tasty aperitif. Together with stuffed peppers they are ideal to accompany our Skizzata! And if you are not into beer ... but you prefer wine ... well ... with Falanghina Fresco di Galera they are the best!
Olive, olio di semi di girasole, peperoncino piccante, semi di finocchio.
Our escarole salad is perfect to dress your pizza or sandwiches! Or enjoy it sautéed in a pan or microwave as a side dish or vegetarian dish.
Scarole, olio di semi di girasole, aceto di vino, olive, capperi, aglio, peperoncino, sale.
Mini Size Shampoo solido nutriente e protettivo, Mini Size Bagnoschiuma solido vellutante
News! Ingredients: tomato sauce, zucchini, onion, green oliver den., Ev olive oil, parsley, sea salt, brown sugar
Passata di pomodoro 67%, zucchine 18%, cipolla 8%, olive verdi 4%, olio e.v. d’oliva, prezzemolo, sale marino, zucchero di canna.
Questa simpatica ape contiene una bustina di semi biologici della tagete. Piantando in primavera aiuterai la biodiversità, perché la tagete è molto gradita alle api e agli insetti impollinatori.
- Cartoncino a forma di ape con spazio per scrivere un pensiero
Filo di iuta per appenderla
- Inclusa bustina di semi di tagete biologico – pianta che attira le api
Multilingua: istruzioni in italiano, inglese, francese e tedesco
Tagete: pianta semirustica, preferisce posizioni soleggiate. Grazie al suo profumo pungente terrà lontano alcuni parassiti e attirerà insetti utili.
SEMINA: marzo e aprile.
FIORITURA: da maggio a ottobre.
Semi di tagete
CCPB - Organic Products Control and Certification
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