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Product Code
Pasta di cacao in cialdine BIO - 250 g
Price reserved for Buying Groups
€ 7,25Quantity: 250 grams
Price per Kg: € 29,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,25 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,25 Kg)
Manufactured by
Via Muscatello 13, 95125 Catania (CT) - Italia
= 0
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Product description
Company certificates
Italian Organic Farming Association
Chosen by 8 Buying Groups
Gas Versilia - Viareggio (LU) - GAS Carrara Massa e Montignoso - Carrara (MS) - GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU) - Il Grembiale - Lucca (LU) - GAS Ilario - Sant'Ilario d'Enza (RE) - GAUSILIATRICE - Firenze (FI) - Gas Lunigiana - Aulla (MS) - Gas Caneva - Caneva (PN)
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Sicilian Almonds and Cacao Cream in jars of 180 grams. Blend made with homemade almonds (75% of the total) and cacao bio. Ideal for cakes, crepes or to spread on bread and rusks. Perfect for filling your favorite cookies, pies and sweets; or simply to savor with a spoon whenever you want something delicious. Retention period 12 months To be stored in a cool and dry place away from heat sources Discounts as the quantity ordered increases
Mandorle, Cacao, Zucchero
Laboratorio sulla Pasta Madre giovedì 6 marzo dalle ore 20:30 alle 22:00 Giudati da Giulio Ceccoli fornaio del Forno San Leo, in collaborazione con Lab301, scopriremo come: - scegliere la farina artigianale giusta; - impastare, conservare e utilizzare il lievito naturale; - gestire l'impastamento del pane. In regalo: *La Pasta Madre; *Dispensa sull'uso della Pasta Madre; *Pacco di farina artigianale; *Degustazione di pani artigianali.
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
Ingredients: green olives, ev olive oil, peeled almonds. Provenance olives: Puglia; Italian almonds.
Olive verdi, olio e.v. d'oliva, mandorle pelate. Provenienza olive: puglia; mandorle Italia.
The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
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