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Pasta di grano duro - Umbricelli - 500 g
€ 2,80
Quantity: 500 grams
Price per Kg: € 5,60
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Manufactured by
Armonia della terra Soc. agr. mont. (exFiordalisi)
Supplier of BG registered in E-circles.orgArmenzano 94 - Loc. Armenzano, 06081 Assisi (PG) - Italia
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Product Code
PASTA_UMBRI_500GProduct description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Pasta di grano duro – Umbricelli – 500 gChosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV)
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The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from crops
organic to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color
who choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life
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The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from crops
organic to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color
who choose a better quality of life.
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The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
Cuor di Pasta 100% durum wheat is produced only with wheat grown by the Company Terre Alte Picene with the technique of eco-sustainable symbiotic agriculture.
Durum wheat varieties: Maestà, Odisseo and Nazzareno.
The milling process is carried out with the artisanal Italian pasta-making tradition that maintains unaltered all nutritional properties of the wheat. The Bronze Drawn Slow Dried “Cuor di Pasta” has an intense and veiled sweet taste, rough and porous texture, easily withstands cooking.
Ideal for a healthy diet, perfect at home and requisite for top class restaurant services.
What is Symbiotic Agriculture?
Symbiotic Agriculture is an innovative cultivation technique in which the agricultural land is treated with completely natural products, such as symbiont fungi, bacteria and yeasts. for higher efficiency of the plant in nutrients uptake and tolerance from biotic and abiotic stresses. The application of natural products also preserves soil biodiversity. Without chemical treatments and zero environmental impact.
But above all, supportsthe well-being and a correct nutrition habit. Products obtained from symbiotic agriculture have a high content on functional foods and enhance the nutraceutical aspect of the food on our tables contributing to the prevention of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Durum wheat semolina, Water.
CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
Cuor di Pasta 100% durum wheat is produced only with wheat grown by the Company Terre Alte Picene with the technique of eco-sustainable symbiotic agriculture.
Durum wheat varieties: Maestà, Odisseo and Nazzareno.
The milling process is carried out with the artisanal Italian pasta-making tradition that maintains unaltered all nutritional properties of the wheat. The Bronze Drawn Slow Dried “Cuor di Pasta” has an intense and veiled sweet taste, rough and porous texture, easily withstands cooking.
Ideal for a healthy diet, perfect at home and requisite for top class restaurant services.
What is Symbiotic Agriculture?
Symbiotic Agriculture is an innovative cultivation technique in which the agricultural land is treated with completely natural products, such as symbiont fungi, bacteria and yeasts. for higher efficiency of the plant in nutrients uptake and tolerance from biotic and abiotic stresses. The application of natural products also preserves soil biodiversity. Without chemical treatments and zero environmental impact.
But above all, supportsthe well-being and a correct nutrition habit. Products obtained from symbiotic agriculture have a high content on functional foods and enhance the nutraceutical aspect of the food on our tables contributing to the prevention of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Durum wheat semolina, Water.
CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
The pasta is produced only with the best grains, derived exclusively from organic crops to bring to the tables a superior product dedicated to color which choose a better quality of life.
Grano Duro
Cuor di Pasta 100% durum wheat is produced only with wheat grown by the Company Terre Alte Picene with the technique of eco-sustainable symbiotic agriculture.
Durum wheat varieties: Maestà, Odisseo and Nazzareno.
The milling process is carried out with the artisanal Italian pasta-making tradition that maintains unaltered all nutritional properties of the wheat. The Bronze Drawn Slow Dried “Cuor di Pasta” has an intense and veiled sweet taste, rough and porous texture, easily withstands cooking.
Ideal for a healthy diet, perfect at home and requisite for top class restaurant services.
What is Symbiotic Agriculture?
Symbiotic Agriculture is an innovative cultivation technique in which the agricultural land is treated with completely natural products, such as symbiont fungi, bacteria and yeasts. for higher efficiency of the plant in nutrients uptake and tolerance from biotic and abiotic stresses. The application of natural products also preserves soil biodiversity. Without chemical treatments and zero environmental impact.
But above all, supportsthe well-being and a correct nutrition habit. Products obtained from symbiotic agriculture have a high content on functional foods and enhance the nutraceutical aspect of the food on our tables contributing to the prevention of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular diseases.
Durum wheat semolina, Water.
CAMPAGNA AMICA - Campagna Amica Foundation
La pasta di semola di grano duro è ottenuta esclusivamente con grani duri coltivati in Italia dai nostri soci o da aziende a noi convenzionate, con metodo rigorosamente biologico. L'essiccazione avviene a basse temperature ed in tempi molto lunghi (circa 12 ore per la pasta lunga e circa 8 ore per la pasta corta) al fine di mantenere nella pasta tutti i principi nutritivi ed organolettici presenti nel grano.
Pasta di semola di grano duro macinata a pietra, trafilata a bronzo, essicata a bassa temperatura. La miscela di semole di grano duro e l’essiccamento lento sono il segreto della perfetta tenuta in fase di cottura della nostra pasta, dal sapore unico, buono, sottolineato dalla sua caratteristica rugosità dovuta alla trafila in bronzo, e lavorazione in grado di trattenere ed esaltare tutto il sapore delle salse che l’accompagna. La pasta di grano duro si abbina a sughi della gastronomia tradizionale o a delicate salse bianche, a condimenti di pesce o a fantasie vegetariane.
Grano duro bio
Pasta di semola di grano duro integrale macinata a pietra, trafilata a bronzo, essicata a bassa temperatura. Genuina e buona, la pasta integrale proviene dal chicco completo del grano, ancora puro, non privato cioè dalla crusca e del germe. Questo garantisce al prodotto proprietà decisamente nutrienti. Il germe di grano e ricco di acidi grassi essenziali e antiossidanti mentre la crusca offre molti sali minerali. Tale caratteristiche influiscono positivamente sul nostro intestino e sono utilissime per la prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari, oltre a ostacolare colesterolo alto, stipsi, grasso e fame nervosa.
Grano duro integrale bio
La pasta di semolato di grano duro è ottenuta esclusivamente con grani duri coltivati in Italia dai nostri soci o da aziende a noi convenzionate, con metodo rigorosamente biologico. L'essiccazione avviene a basse temperature ed in tempi molto lunghi (circa 12 ore per la pasta lunga e circa 8 ore per la pasta corta) al fine di mantenere nella pasta tutti i principi nutritivi ed organolettici presenti nel grano. Questi prodotti sono la sintesi di un giusto equilibrio tra salute e gusto. Anche chi non ama troppo il sapore della pasta integrale potrà apprezzare questi formati, che abbinano un buon contenuto di fibre ad un gusto “gentile” .

Pasta di semola di grano duro macinata a pietra, trafilata a bronzo, essicata a bassa temperatura. La miscela di semole di grano duro e l’essiccamento lento sono il segreto della perfetta tenuta in fase di cottura della nostra pasta, dal sapore unico, buono, sottolineato dalla sua caratteristica rugosità dovuta alla trafila in bronzo, e lavorazione in grado di trattenere ed esaltare tutto il sapore delle salse che l’accompagna.
La pasta di grano duro si abbina a sughi della gastronomia tradizionale o a delicate salse bianche, a condimenti di pesce o a fantasie vegetariane.
Grano duro bio
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