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Flax seed
€ 2,64
Quantity: 500 grams
Price per Kg: € 5,28
Minimum order: 12 Pc (6 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Manufactured by
Vocabolo Cerreto 52 - Loc. San Biagio Della Valle, 06072 Marsciano (PG) - Italia
= 5
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Product Code
LSP5Product description
Manufactured 100% in Italy
Bag of 500g.Company certificates
Italian Organic Farming Association

Chosen by 5 Buying Groups
Gas Rubicone - Cesenatico (FC) - Gas Lunigiana - Aulla (MS) - RIGAS - Rimini (RN) - Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - GAS Effetto Terra - San Biagio di Callalta (TV)
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Various seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
The Crude Black Seed Oil and Raw Italian Almond Oil, a true artisanal treasure produced in our laboratory located in the charming Apennine mountains.
Our oil is obtained exclusively through a mechanical extraction process at temperatures below 40°C, without subjecting the seeds to any aggressive treatment. This way, we can ensure the preservation of all the wonderful beneficial characteristics present in these oily and vibrant seeds, as both are from the latest harvest.
Crude Black Seed Oil is a versatile product that can be used for dietary, cosmetic, and therapeutic purposes. Its multiple properties include antihypertensive, liver-tonic, diuretic, digestive, antidiarrheal, appetite-stimulating, analgesic, anthelmintic, antibacterial actions, and much more. It is a true natural elixir that can support your health in various ways.
Organic Raw Whole Italian Almonds and Organic Whole Raw Nigella Sativa seeds.
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Extra Virgin Oil from Whole Raw Italian Sesame Seeds, a passionately crafted product in the heart of the Apennines.
With Ispica Sesame Seeds, without any treatment, our oil is mechanically extracted at low temperatures, never exceeding 40°C, thus preserving all the characteristics of the beneficial fats present in these oily seeds.
By choosing products from our company, you can be sure that you are consuming high-quality Ispica Sesame Seeds, completely natural and grown in sustainable fields using traditional Slow Food methods, guaranteed by its Presidium.
Raw Organic Untoasted Unpeeled Italian Sesame Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Extra Virgin Pumpkin Seed Oil from Raw Austrian Seeds is an artisanal product from the heart of the Apennines. Organic Pumpkin Seeds, without any treatment, are mechanically pressed at temperatures not exceeding 40°C, preserving the characteristics of the beneficial fats contained in these oily seeds, as the seeds are from the latest harvest.
Organic Raw Pumpkin Seed Oil, a treasure trove of nutrients for your well-being. Rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, it supports prostate health, the immune system, and heart health. With its characteristic flavor, it enhances salads, soups, pasta dishes, and desserts.
Organic Whole Raw Pumpkin Seed
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Unroasted Unhulled Italian Sesame Seed Butter, a carefully crafted product in our laboratory located among the Apennines. Our spread is produced exclusively after the order, ensuring that it arrives at your home as fresh as possible. The unique density and aroma of our butter come from the precious presence of Whole Raw Ispica Sesame Seeds from the Slow Food Presidium, from the latest harvest. We take pride in using a distinct type of Sesame with an unmistakable Italian character and employing gentle processing methods, maintaining temperatures below 40°C to fully preserve all the healthful properties of this organic seed. Scientific studies recommend incorporating 30g of Sesame Seeds into your daily diet to fully benefit from their remarkable health properties. These seeds are particularly known for their role in strengthening bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis, and bolstering the immune system. Additionally, they may contribute to preventing cardiovascular diseases and countering the signs of aging. For new mothers, sesame seeds promote the onset of lactation and can also assist the liver and kidneys in performing their functions optimally.
100% Italian Organic Unroasted Unhulled Sesame Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
Organic Austrian Raw Pumpkin Seed Butter, expertly crafted in our laboratory located in the picturesque Apennines. Each spread is produced only after receiving the order, ensuring freshness and authenticity delivered directly to your home.
The density of this delicious spread comes exclusively from untoasted Pumpkin Seeds, carefully harvested last summer. Their precious nature is preserved through a meticulous processing method, never exceeding 40°C, to maintain all the healthful properties of these Austrian organic seeds.
Scientific studies have shown the benefits of Pumpkin Seeds, recommending a daily intake of 30g. They possess powerful antioxidant properties and can have hypoglycemic effects. Additionally, they can help combat anemia and alleviate some anxiety disorders, contributing to your balance and well-being.
100% Whole Organic Raw Pumpkin Seeds
BIOAGRICERT - Bioagricert srl Certification Organization
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
VEGAN OK - Vegan Ok Certification

Apprezzati da secoli per le loro proprietà, questi piccoli semi di una pianta tropicale, la Salvia Hispanica, costituivano la base delle antiche popolazione preincaiche del Centro e Sud America. Testimoni di una tradizione gastronomica millenaria, vengono tutt'oggi coltivati esclusivamente in zone incontaminate tra i 1800 e i 2800 metri, ai piedi della Cordigliera delle Ande, a Sud del Perù.
Ingredients: mixture of 5 cereals, raisins, cornflakes, apricot, plum, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds.
Miscela di: *Fiocchi 5 cereali 60%(*avena, *orzo,*riso, *segale, *frumento in parti uguali), *uva sultanina 25%,*corn-flakes 7%(*farina di mais 95%,*sciroppo di mais 4%,sale),*cocco grattugiato 3%,*mandorle pelate 2%, *riso soffiato integrale 2%,*semi di girasole 1%
Varietà Filippo Cea predominante con altre cultivar autoctone.
Com’è ormai noto, le mandorle sono un alimento funzionale per il corpo umano sin da tempi antichi. Di questo seme se ne parla già nella Bibbia, ma non solo. Le mandorle erano apprezzate anche nell’antico Egitto al punto che una manciata di questi preziosi semi è stata depositata nella tomba del faraone Tutankhamen per accompagnarlo nel suo viaggio verso l’al di là.
Valori Nutrizionali:
Energia/Energy 2460 kJ /595 kcal
Grassi / Fats 49.9 g (di cui acidi grassi saturi 3,8 g)
Carboidrati / Carbohydrates 9,1 g (di cui zuccheri 4,4 g)
Fibre / Fibers 12,5 g
Proteine / Proteins 21,2 g
Sale / Salt 0 g
Mandorla sgusciata cruda. DA AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA

100% Made in Italy
composti da 42 % frutta, 8% Zucchero di canna Bio 50% Acqua
Quantità disponibili a scalare in base alla varietà
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
Integratore alimentare a base di ferro micronizzato microincapsulato (Lipofer®), vitamina C (PureWay-C®), Acido Folico e vitamina B12.
Lipofer ® (amido di mais, pirofosfato ferrico, agente di rivestimento: idrossi-propil-metilcellulosa, emulsionante: lecitina di girasole); agente di rivestimento: idrossi-propil-metilcellulosa (involucro capsula); agente di carica: cellulosa microcristallina; Pureway C® (acido l-ascorbico, bioflavonoidi da agrumi, emulsionante: acidi grassi); agenti antiagglomeranti: sali di magnesio degli acidi grassi, biossido di silicio; acido pteroil-monoglutammico (acido folico); cianocobalamina (vitamina B12).

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