A Circular Marketplace is a Website/App where it is possible to purchase eco-sustainable products from many different producers, selected for their environmentally friendly production methods and their ethics. Production and sale follow the principles of the Circular Economy, focusing on the problems of scarcity of resources, global warming and waste management.
Here are the main differences between Circular Marketplace and his Linear counterpart:
- It is run by knowledgeable buyers and not sellers.
- The manufacturers are chosen locally, organizing visits to the company in order to get to know them personally.
- Product quality, eco-sustainability and respect for workers are the most important criteria for selecting producers. Before the price.
- Purchases are made in groups in order to optimize transport and produce less CO2.
- Packaging is reduced to a minimum, where possible completely eliminated or reused.
- Products can be sold online by weight as it happens in shops, to avoid pre-wrapping.
- It favors the birth of Circular Coops in the area that create quality jobs, also restoring the so-called "forgotten professions".
- Awareness of the environmental impact of our purchases is spread and good practices such as the reuse of objects are transmitted.
- The production waste of the companies is published in order to become resources for other producers.
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Domenica 06 Settembre 2020