Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 11:41:39
Favorite products

Bufalino 350g White

Bufalino 350g White

€ 6,00

Quantity: 350 grams

Price per Kg: € 17,14


Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,35 Kg)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,35 Kg)

Best before: 15 days from date on package

Manufactured by

Fattoria Montelupo

Supplier of BG registered in It's part of a Social Economy's District
Voc. Montelupo 20 - Loc. Astucci (Lerchi), 06012 Città di Castello (PG) - Italia


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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

Cheese filataIngredienti: Buffalo milk, natural whey, rennet and saleIl cheese is spun and put into cylindrical molds, then left to cool in the salty brine, then is hung and left to dry for about 10 days and then is vacuum packed.


Latte di bufala, siero innesto naturale, caglio e sale

Company certificates

Campagna Amica Foundation 

Chosen by 26 Buying Groups

GAS Fano Fortuna - Fano (PU) - RIGAS - Rimini (RN) - Gas Pesaro La Gluppa - Pesaro (PU) - Atuttogas - Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN) - GAS Val d'Apsa - Montelabbate (PU) - GAS-PACHO - pdr Misano - Misano Adriatico (RN) - Gas per l'USO - Bellaria-Igea Marina (RN) - Gassosa - Recanati (MC) - GAS Faenza - Faenza (RA) - Gas Filò - Parma (PR) - Gas Noceto - Noceto (PR) - Gas SGB - Parma (PR) - Gas Fidenza - Fidenza (PR) - Gas Fontevivo - Fontevivo (PR) - Gasteropodi - Parma (PR) - GASEM GRUPPO ACQUISTO SOLIDALE SANT'ELPIDIO A MARE - Sant'Elpidio a Mare (FM) - GasBo - Bologna (BO) - GASBLod - Casalpusterlengo (LO) - GAS Lodigiano - Lodi (LO) - GASebo - Robbiate (LC) - GAS Baganza - Sala Baganza (PR) - Quigasdotto - Parma (PR) - Filo di Paglia - Milano (MI) - Gas La Spiga - Sorbolo Mezzani (PR) - GAStronauti Lesignano - Lesignano de' Bagni (PR) - Gas MonSerrArcevia - Serra de' Conti (AN)

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