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Caciotta flavored 500 gr
€ 12,00
Quantity: 500 grams
Price per Kg: € 24,00
Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,5 Kg)
Manufactured by
Via Parini 18 - Loc. Borgnano, 34071 Cormons (GO) - Italia
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Manufactured 100% in Italy
Flavored with rosemary, thyme, basil, peppermint, elder flowers, rose petals, nettle, sage, calendula, depending on availability 'Ingredients
latte, sale, caglioCompany certificates
HACCP Certification

Chosen by 1 Buying Groups
GAS Il Ponte - Gorizia (GO)
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Handmade product, with zest of sicilian lemons selected and dried naturally to preserve all the aroma and essential oils present. Used in many recipes, it gives food a unique flavor and aroma. From sicilian lemons picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
Sea salt, sicilian lemon zest (Untreated)
Handmade product, with zest of sicilian oranges selected and dried naturally to preserve all the aroma and essential oils present. Used in many recipes, it gives food a unique flavor and aroma. From sicilian oranges picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
Sea salt, sicilian orange zest (Untreated)
Formaggio a pasta molle ottenuto dalla lavorazione di latte pastorizzato intero proveniente da allevamenti della Valle di Livigno, situati oltre i 1.800 metri di quota.
Questo formaggio risulta particolarmente gradevole al palato grazie alla sua pasta morbida ed elastica ed al gusto decisamente dolce.
Ottimo come fine pasto, è indicato anche come secondo piatto in una dieta leggera e veloce.
Ingredienti: latte, sale, caglio Dimensioni: diametro 10 cm altezza 8 cm circa Peso: 0,7 kg ± 0,2 kg Stagionatura: minimo 10 giorni Shelf life: 40 giorni Conservazione: temp.4-8 °C, umid. rel. 85% CARATTERISTICHE CHIMICO-FISICHE E VALORI NUTRIZIONALI MEDI (su 100g) Umidità: >30% Sostanza Secca: 50 g Proteine: 25 g Grassi: 30 g Carboidrati: 1,60 g Valore energetico: 400 Kcal CARATTERISTICHE ORGANOLETTICHE Colore: chiaro giallo paglierino Sapore: dolce Consistenza: morbida Aspetto: senza occhiatura, crosta bianca
Cream with a unique flavor, as the crunchiness and sweetness of our almonds blend perfectly with the typical flavor of our fragrant lemons, which represents the perfect combination. Excellent for garnish desserts or for breakfast on a good slice of bread or simply for a moment of sweetness. From sicilian lemons and almonds picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Gluten and lactose free. Non GMO.
Sicilian toasted almonds 65%, cane sugar, olio extra virgin olive oil, lemon flavoring, soy lecithin (May contain traces of other nuts)
Cream with a unique flavor, as the crunchiness and sweetness of our almonds blend perfectly with the typical flavor of our fragrant oranges, which represents the perfect combination. Excellent for garnish desserts or for breakfast on a good slice of bread or simply for a moment of sweetness. From sicilian oranges and almonds picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Once open, it is advisable to mix and store the product in the refrigerator. Vegan. Gluten and lactose free. Non GMO.
Sicilian toasted almonds 65%, cane sugar, olio extra virgin olive oil, orange flavoring, soy lecithin (May contain traces of other nuts)
Handmade product, with zest of sicilian lemons selected and dried naturally to preserve all the aroma and essential oils present. Used in many recipes, it gives food a unique flavor and aroma, a little spicy thanks to the presence of pepper. From sicilian lemons picked by hand, cultivated according to the concept of natural and sustainable agriculture, without the use of chemicals. Store in a cool, dry place. Vegan and gluten free. Non GMO.
Sea salt, sicilian lemon zest (Untreated), pepper
Formaggio a pasta semimolle con crosta fiorita non trattata.
Conservare in ambiente fresco.
L'eventuale muffa sulla crosta può essere grattata col coltello.
Consigliabile togliere dal sottovuoto e lasciare respirare il prodotto avvolto in un panno asciutto.
Lavorazione artigianale.
Latte di vacca pastorizzato, fermenti, caglio naturale e sale. Crosta non trattata in superficie
SUOLO&SALUTE - Soil & Health Association
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