Lunedì, 10 Marzo 2025 - 08:40:51
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Panettone allo yogurt avena e mirtilli 750 gr

Panettone allo yogurt avena e mirtilli 750 gr

€ 33,00

Quantity: 750 grams

Price per Kg: € 44,00


Minimum order: 1 Pc (0,75 Kg)

Minimum order for Foodcoopers: 1 Pc (0,75 Kg)

Best before: 30 days from date on package

Manufactured by


Supplier of BG registered in
Via Cino da Pistoia 37, 51039 Quarrata (PT) - Italia


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Product description

Manufactured 100% in Italy

Prodotto dolciario da forno a lievitazione naturale.


Ingredienti: farina di grano tenero tipo '0', mirtilli canditi 17,8% (mirtilli, zucchero, aromi), BURRO 13,6%, tuorlo D'UOVO 10.9%, acqua, zucchero, lievito naturale, miele, rapè di arancia (scorze d'arancio, zucchero, acqua, aromi, E330, E202, E160a) fiocchi di AVENA, YOGURT in polvere, sale, malto in polvere. ingredienti glassa: cioccolato bianco (zucchero, grasso vegetale, LATTE scremato in polvere, lecitina di SOIA, aromi) fiocchi di AVENA, mirtilli secchi.


Peanuts & derivatives Peanuts
Sulphur dioxide & sulfites, sup. 10mg x Kg = SO2 Sulphur dioxide
Cereals, contains gluten Cereals
Nuts & derivatives Nuts
Milk & derivatives, including lactose Milk
Lupin & derivatives Lupin
Sesame seeds & derivatives Sesame seeds
Mustard & derivatives Mustard
Soy, tamari, shoiu, flakes and derivatives Soy
Eggs & derivatives Eggs

Chosen by 1 Buying Groups

GASVEZZA - Pietrasanta (LU)

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